Release of the 6 people arrested from the ‘Tierra y Libertad’ camp in Mogoñé Viejo

Yesterday on April 30th of 2023, the four female and two male community members detained during the eviction of the Tierra y Libertad Camp in Mogoñe Viejo, Oaxaca, were released last Friday, April 28th.

The Committee for the Integral Defense of Human Rights Gobixha A.C. (CODIGO DH) was informed of the arrests and joined the legal accompaniment so that the detainees could be released, taking into account that some of the detainees had minor injuries.

Likewise, in a communiqué, members of the Union of Communities of the Northern Zone of the Isthmus (UCIZONI) thanked the support and backing of civil organizations and the population in general who joined the Urgent Action issued by the RED TDT as well as the solidarity support of the international community, who joined in the demand for justice.

Meanwhile, since last Sunday, April 30th, the Tierra y Libertad encampment was reestablished as part of the denunciations of alleged human rights violations that the work of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec has caused in the area, in addition to multiple affectations.